pub fn build_create<ContractRef>() -> CreateBuilder<<ContractRef as ContractEnv>::Env, ContractRef, Set<LimitParamsV2>, Unset<ExecutionInput<EmptyArgumentList<ScaleEncoding>, ScaleEncoding>>, Unset<ReturnType<()>>>where
ContractRef: ContractEnv,
Expand description
Returns a new CreateBuilder
to build up the parameters to a cross-contract
instantiation for a contract that uses the ink! ABI (SCALE Encoding).
Note: The shown examples panic because there is currently no cross-calling support in the off-chain testing environment. However, this code should work fine in on-chain environments.
§Example 1: Returns Address of Instantiated Contract
The below example shows instantiation of contract of type MyContract
The used constructor:
- has a selector equal to
- is provided with 4000 units of gas for its execution
- is provided with 25 units of transferred value for the new contract instance
- receives the following arguments in order 1. an
with value42
2. abool
with valuetrue
3. an array of 32u8
with value0x10
let my_contract: MyContractRef = build_create::<MyContractRef>()
.code_hash(ink::H256::from([0x42; 32]))
.push_arg(&[0x10u8; 32]),
.salt_bytes(Some([1u8; 32]))
§Example 2: Handles Result from Fallible Constructor
let my_contract: MyContractRef = build_create::<MyContractRef>()
.code_hash(ink::H256::from([0x42; 32]))
.push_arg(&[0x10u8; 32]),
.salt_bytes(Some([1u8; 32]))
.returns::<Result<MyContractRef, ConstructorError>>()
.expect("Constructor should have executed successfully.");